While party members have some important choices to make at the AGM, the job of the next Party President will begin the next day. The first and most important task for that person will be to repair the relationship between the party and members.
During the last election - and in the lead-up to it - many members felt abandoned by the central campaign. We can’t wait until we elect our next party leader to get election-ready or the final 28 days of a campaign to engage our volunteers. We need to start both right now.
As President, I’ll work with our Executive Council to start supporting local volunteers right now and to use every day until the next election to lay the groundwork for victory.
I believe that together we can rebuild the party into a service-oriented and election-ready party that supports local volunteers by:
- Dedicating a staff member to help ridings build up their local election funds
- Creating a mentoring program between riding veterans and newer volunteers
- Expanding and continually updating the party’s online training library
- Offering weekly training sessions open to every volunteer in the province
- Hosting in-person regional training days focused on local training needs
- Restoring the annual in-person Provincial Council with sessions dedicated to training
- Recruiting and training returning and new campaign managers earlier
- Winding down riding service fees while delivering new year-round riding services
The list of volunteer services I’ve shared today isn’t an exhaustive one. While these items will help support volunteers and get our party election-ready, they’re also just the beginning.
I’m committed to consistent, two-way communication as your next president and that includes listening to your ideas about how the party can better serve its volunteers.
Send me an email or reach out to me online to let me know what you think about these ideas and share your thoughts about how we can rebuild the party to better support hardworking, local volunteers.